Thursday, May 28, 2009

So here I sit at my office, the coffee spot nearby, with so many thoughts swirling in my head. I am amazed how full my life is! I could fill absolutely every minute with gratitude for all that I have been given. I have an amazing husband who is the steadiest and most trustworthy person I know. I have three beautiful and very different little boys who rule my heart. Recently at family camp over the weekend i was so filled with awe as I watched them listen, learn and grow. God has given them such amazing smiles, such curious minds, healthy and strong bodies and kind hearts. They continue to ground me when I am feeling a bit lost in this great bog world of opportunity. I never knew I could want so much for another human being. I just wish them challenged, spirited and interesting lives. Happy- nah! Happiness is often a choice and not everything we do is supposed to make us happy. Instead we are stretched and changed by that that sometimes causes our days of less than happy thoughts. I thank God for the rich signs I continue to see as I seek to know Him more. Pray without ceasing. Wow what an impact living in prayer is having on my life. Each day I feel a bit closer to knowing that I need to help others. I need to seek justice, help those who have not, guide and serve the lost and the lonely and work towards a greater good in the world. I do not exactly know what that roadmap looks like quite yet but I am sure I am on my way... Right now my day to day is taking the best care of my family that I possibly can. 

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